Isabella and Maddy 🏡
These two UT seniors consider themselves a “home-away-from-home” family and have lived together for the past four years of college after being randomly paired together in the dorms. “I’m so fortunate to consider her to be like a sister to me now” - Isabella.
Maddy and Isabella have had their graduation ceremony postponed and are devastated by how COVID19 has impacted the University of Texas community.
Isabella says: “In the grand scheme of the devastation this pandemic is causing, we acknowledge how lucky we are, but seniors are valid to feel cheated of this major life moment. We are thankful to live together so we can keep each-other motivated and celebrate Maddy’s birthday and graduation together.” Despite everything, they are thankful they have each other. They mentioned that they spend their mornings on their front porch taking in the sights and moments they would otherwise be too busy to notice.
Thank you Isabella and Maddy for having us take your FrontPortraits and congratulations on graduating! 🧡